Pradhan Mantri Dhan Laxmi Yojana has been started by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to make the women of the country self-sufficient (Make self-sufficient). Under this scheme, women benefit up to Rs 5 lakh will be provided to the women of the country by the central government. This is an ambitious scheme of the Central Government, in which special benefits have been announced for women. Today we will tell you how the women of the country can take advantage of this Dhan Laxmi Yojana 2020 , please read this article carefully till the end.
Pradhan Mantri Dhan Laxmi Yojana 2020
Women of the country who want to start their own business, self-employment will be provided a loan of up to 5 lakh rupees by the central government under Pradhanmantri Dhan Lakshmi Yojana 2020 (The central government will provide loans of up to 5 lakh rupees.) Like she can start her employment. In which you will not have to pay any rate of interest. This means that whatever interest will be invested in this amount will be borne by the government. The prime wealth Lakshmi Plan 2020 will benefit women in poor and middle class of the country under the Prime Minister Dhan Laxmi Yojana Application Form.
Under Dhan Laxmi Yojana 2020, if women want to get benefits of up to 5 lakh rupees by the government, then they will have to apply under this scheme. Under this scheme, the life amount will be directly transferred by the central government to the bank account of the beneficiary woman (Will be transferred to the woman's bank account). Therefore, it is mandatory for a woman to have a bank account and the bank account should be in a nationalized bank and not in a private bank. Only then will she be able to avail the PM Dhan Lakshmi Scheme 2020 .
Key Point Of PM Dhan Lakshmi Scheme 2020
- Name of scheme Prime Minister Dhan Laxmi Yojana 2020
- Started by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
- Beneficiary Country women
- Loan amount 5 lakh rupees
- Official Website
Purpose of Dhan Laxmi Yojana PM
As you know, the Bauh Sir family is such that where the women go to the outside with a lot of restraint. Wherever girls are killed in the stomach, Narendra Modi has revived the scheme to eradicate these reasons. Have done Wealth Laxmi Yojana Prime Minister in 2020 to provide loans up to Rs 5 lakh by the central government to the women of the nation to start up their own employment, business. Creating self-sufficient women through this plan and strong. Through this scheme, women will be given opportunities for self-employment. Men who do not consider women to be anything will also change their thinking.
Benefits of PM Dhan Laxmi Scheme 2020
- Under this scheme, a loan of up to 5 lakh rupees will be provided to women by the central government.
- Poor and middle class women of the country can avail this scheme.
- For the funds given by the government, the applicant bank account should be in a nationalized bank.
- Under PM Dhan Laxmi Yojana 2020 , the age of the applicant woman should be 18 to 55 years.
- If there is any property in the name of a woman, then you will not be able to take benefit of this scheme under the Laxmi Yojana.
- A loan of Rs 5 lakh to be given under this scheme will be given for 30 years at 0% interest. You have to repay this loan to the government in 30 years.
- These plans will make women empowerment and self-sufficient |
- Employment means of this plan will suffice
Pradhan Mantri Dhan Lakshmi Yojana 2020 Documents (Eligibility)
- Applicant must be resident of India.
- The age of the applicant should be 18 to 55 years.
- Aadhar card should be linked to mobile number.
- Voter ID card or PAN card
- Bank account passbook
- mobile number
- Passport size photo
Pradhan Mantri Dhan Lakshmi Yojana 2020 in How to Apply?
To apply under this scheme, you have to take all your documents and go to the nearest district level community center. After that you will have to take the application form. After this, all the information asked in the application form like name, address, age, date of birth etc. will have to be filled. After filling the application form, all your documents have to be attached to the form and submitted to the District Level Community Center Officer. In this way your application will be completed.
How to register in Pradhan Mantri Dhan Laxmi Yojana 2020?
- First of all, you have to go to the scheme portal. After visiting the portal, the home page will open in front of you.
- On this home page you will see the option of Dhanalakshmi scheme registration. You have to click on this option. After clicking on the option, the next one will open in front of you. Your registration registration form will appear on this page.
- You have to fill all the information asked in this form like name, address, husband's name, age etc. After filling all the information, you have to click on the submit button.
- In this way you will be registered.